![]() On Fetlife, I posted an excerpt from a cockstomping scene that I wrote in Submission in Barcelona (which is a FREE book/short story). I received a comment asking if it was taken from a real life experience. No, it was not. At the time I wrote that short story I had yet to experience cockstomping in all its glory and delight. But I was studying it. I first heard about cockstomping from my mentor, Mistress Scarlet. We spoke about it a great deal. Scarlet recommends using a table and her husband, bitchboy built one for her. She sent me videos and my interest grew. I found more videos. I read more about it. I studied it for several months. I told two of my submissives about it and they both attempted to build a table for me. One was successful and I’ve been using it on him, quite happily, ever since. To date I think I’ve used it four times, I lose track! The last time I decided to give my bare feet a try. The other times I wore boots. One pair with spiked heels, which hurt subby boytoy quite a bit and another pair with rectangular heels. Either, this time I was overzealous and went for much longer, or I stomped harder because I wasn’t wearing shoes. Probably both. Regardless, boytoy reported that five days later his princess parts were still chaffed and aching which pleased me greatly. Cockstomping is a skill, like any other. It takes practice and dedication. There are two different ways to use a table. One way is to pull the cock and balls through but just stomp on the cock and the other way is to pull the cock through only. This is the way Mistress Scarlet does it and I prefer this way as well. I have tried both. The balls are distracting and I have to focus more, not to stomp on them because you can’t and shouldn’t ever stomp on the balls. When I first began, I did not put my entire weight on the shaft, especially when I was using the heel part of the boot. But with my bare feet I did. I even used both feet at once. It was delightful. I rubbed back and forth with each foot so that boytoy could experience both pleasure and pain. In the end he was rewarded with a golden shower, fisting and an orgasm. Lucky sub! I recently saw a photo on twitter where the sub was kneeling with his cock on a small table. The Mistress stood atop the table for the stomping. I do not like this at all. If the submissive pulls away and crouches down, he could be seriously or permanently injured. I am a sadist but I don’t want to permanently injure anyone! Although the table kneeling if an interesting way to get the job done without anyone building anything I don’t think it’s a good idea. A Mistress friend of mine has her sub lay on his back or stomach with his legs spread wide and she stomps on his member as it lays useless between his legs on the floor. This is a much safer way to stomp without using a cock stomping table. I’d love to hear from you if you have experience giving or receiving in this area. If you receive: what do you like about it? If you give: what’s your favorite method? Or anything else you’d like to share 👢😈 ~ Mistress Rain Star
![]() I have been a writer and a reader my entire life. As a child my family sat around and read together instead of watching TV. It was our past-time and it was our bonding time, alone, yet together. Each of us would perch on a different area of the couch and read. The first thing I remember writing was an article that was published in the school newspaper in second grade. In 2016 I started writing and publishing full length novels. It’s been a difficult road, I won’t lie. There’s an art to it. My first 3 novels lay under the bed and will probably never be published. I had to learn along the way. I graduated college with a degree in screenwriting. I read books about writing novels, publishing, editing and marketing. I took hundreds of hours of online and in-person classes. I still read craft books and take writing classes today. I attended almost a dozen writing conferences. I hired editors, cover designers, marketing peeps, the works. I wrote and published 11 novels under another pen-name between 2016 and 2018 and while I love most of them and I earn on them, I don’t make a living from them. Writing is really fucking hard. Editing is harder. Publishing is another burning hoop. And marketing… hell onto itsownself. I don’t say this to discourage, I think everyone who wants to write and publish should do it. I say this because it’s true and people who don’t do it, have no idea how hard it truly is. I made a lot of money with one of my series. Money that most people would be ecstatic to make and I’m thrilled about it but what onlookers don’t see is the money I spent. Each full length novel cost me $2K to publish. That’s right, you read correctly, two thousand dollars EACH. Do most of those earn that money back? Hell no, they do not. Does everyone spend $2K per published novel. No, they do not but many of those who don’t, should. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I want to be a good writer, not an okay writer and certainly not a bad writer. I study the art of writing. I study the art of editing. I study the ART of word mastery. I agonize over each sentence, each story, each plot, and each character. When I started writing erotica shorts last year it was a new endeavor for me. I was used to the long form of full length novels, not the short form. It’s completely different. I didn’t do it to make a bazillion dollars because anyone who thinks that’s going to happen is, IMO, delusional. I started writing short eroticas because it was fun. I was tired of writing long novels that had ceased being fun for me. Writing those became dreary and painful and turned into WORK. The other different "thing" about writing my erotica shorts is that I don't hire an editor, I don't agonize over perfection. I have fun with them instead and I put them out knowing they're not perfect, letting go of the control and embracing sticky uncertainty instead. I abandoned my other pen-name 2 years ago and haven’t published anything under her since. And I’m okay with that. I can always go back to her if I want. She’s still out there, she’s still earning a tiny bit of money. She still has readers, but the genre annoyed me. It was romance. And tbh I’m not really a romantic person. It’s weird to admit that and even weirder to write it, to blog about it. I’m a sexual person, I’m an optimistic person, I’m a person who believes in love and relationships and connection but romance the way it’s portrayed in books, NOPE. I think it sets up a false ideal that can never be met. Not every man has chiseled abs but in romance they all do. Not every man locks eyes with the heroine from across a crowded room and has to make her his, but in romance they all do. It’s unrealistic and it’s downright disgusting. Not every woman wants that either. I got tired of writing lies, that’s the bottom line of it. When I started writing my shorts I no longer had to write lies. My shorts say more about who I am as a person and where my beliefs lay than most of my novels do. Not that there aren’t some truths in those, there are. And novels don’t have to be truth, they are supposed to be fantasy. I’m not shitting all over fantasies, we need that escape as humans, especially now. But there’s fantasy = dragons and vampires; and there’s fantasy = prince charming will save me. I prefer the former. So while not every single thing I write about in my short erotica tales has happened, a lot of them have. The rest are fantasies, the kind that I can get behind ;) As for long fiction, I’m still writing it. I have moved over to the dystopian genre, long before Covid. I’m a nihilistic, optimistic realist. I am a very happy person with a lot of love in my heart but I like some very dark things. That’s MY happy place. It’s not what appeals to everyone but what it took me many years to learn is that I can’t write to market, meaning, write what people WANT to read and what will ultimately earn $$$. I write for ME. If I don’t love what I’m writing, if it becomes a chore or no longer fun or feels like work and my passion for it dies, my soul burns to a crisp husk. Fuck that shit! I’m a Dominant woman and I do what I want, including writing run-on sentences if I feel like it. So there. ~~~ by Rain Star You can find links to my Femdom erotic shorts on my homepage |
Author: Rain StarMistress Rain began her writing career at a very early age. She's published over 20 novels (under a different pseudonym), has written for television and film. Rain spends as much time as possible beating asses and traveling the world. Archives
August 2023